キックボクシングはじめました。I just started Kickboxing

I just started kick boxing today that I've never done in my life. Jumping rope, shadow boxing, and mitts. I did jabs, straights, hooks, kicks and knees to the mitts. 
The middle kick was awesome! I kicked so hard like I was asking "Can I kick a thing that much?" 
Knee was the move that I've never done before but my tutor praised my knee. Some movies I watched beforehand on YouTube might have been helpful. 

I'm turning 44 this month but I'm a big on trying new things. 
I can't stop getting excited even how old I am.


膝蹴りは、今までの人生で一度もやらなかった動きだったので最初は戸惑いましたが、「膝、いいねぇ」とコーチがほめてくれました。あらかじめ YouTube で見ておいた動画が役に立ったかな。


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