Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year to the world! 

 I'm grateful to everyone whom I met last year for improvement of my English. Thank you guys so much. 

 I've just decided on my New Year Resolution below. 

 1. I've been studying English for the past years and I'll add German to the routine. 

 2. I'll get my good health back. 

 3. I'll be more creative person. 

 Have you decided on your New Year Resolution? 

 I hope you make this year a better one than the last. 

 Thank you. 



1. 英語学習のルーティンにドイツ語を加えること。 

2. 健康的な身体を取り戻すこと。 

3. よりクリエイティブな人間になること。 



Language Exchange by HEROES' Cafe

HEROES' Cafeは英語や日本語といった言語の交換を楽しむ人たちが集う場所です。 レベルに関係なく、楽しく言語交換できる場を提供しています。 You've gotta be in it to win it, so get out there and make it happen! Let's enjoy communication!


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